Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sad Beach Day

So... Rainbow Haven was a bit of a bust for us. We were hoping because it's midweek and looked like a large beach that we could find an area with the dogs where we wouldn't bother anyone. Noooope. We were lucky to even find a parking spot, it was so busy! Actually when we were leaving the gates were closed and traffic backed up because there were no spots left.

Rainbow Haven Beach
This is what we were hoping for at Rainbow Haven Beach... (not our photo)

And this is what we got. :(

There were areas further down the beach with fewer people... then we noticed the scary signs saying "DO NOT SWIM HERE - DEADLY CURRENTS." Ah. Well that explains why there were no people over there. It was even pretty surf-y at the main sections. So we headed back to the vehicle, and stopped at a little lagoon on the way for the dogs to play in.

I'm pretty bummed. I was really looking forward to having a nice beach day. I guess that's part of exploring new places though, they're not all going to be fantastic. And part of living in a city is having to share these places with, oh, about 375,000 other people. We could always go without the dogs, but I feel badly doing that... they want to have fun too!

So in conclusion, I'm forcing more sunset photos on you because they cheer me up. :)

These were both from last night.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


A whole month and not a single post. I'm sorry! But this video does sum up a lot of what this last month has consisted of, unfortunately. A new city to explore, but limited means in order to fund said exploration. I do have a casual job, but haven't been getting a lot of shifts yet. And the places Scott has been applying to have been ultra snobby (ie: too good for even a "Thanks, but no thanks.") I have an interview on Friday for a permanent 0.6 time position, which would be two days a week, perfect for going to school. And of course the perks of having a "real" job, ie: benefits, so I can stop crying everytime the pharmacist tells me my total. I also had an interview today with an company that hires medical contractors to do home assessments for life insurance. It went really well, and seems like it would be an interesting and less stressful side of nursing.

The weather is finally improving, so we're planning to check out another beach tomorrow, called Rainbow Haven *insert inappropriate homophobic remark here* And I know somebody who, after losing an entire layer off of his back last time, will be wearing sunscreen *cough* SCOTT! *cough* It's across the bridge to Dartmouth, which I despise because it has a toll of $1 each way. So far I hear other Halifaxians (Halifaxites? Halifites? Halifaxers? Hmm) feel the same way. We're fitting in already!

Thankfully, although we haven't been getting out and seeing much, we do live in a very nice area. We're still having beautiful sunsets (which I'm sure you've all seen enough photos of by now) and are taking the dogs across to the park most days. So while we do feel a little frustrated and trapped by the lack of money to do more exciting things, it could certainly be worse and we're very fortunate to be living where we are! In fact, we had front row seats to some fireworks on Canada Day:

At the moment I've managed to pick up some cold/flu bug, so I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. Hopefully dousing myself in "saline" tomorrow will fix me right up. And of course Scott is feeling fine, stinker. I always get sick and he never does!! Boo hoo.