Friday, June 3, 2011

Sluggish update

Yeah, I know, it's been over a week and no update! At least I have some more interesting news items to report this time.

Last Sunday we drove out to Mahone Bay to visit my cousin and her family. It's been rainy and cloudy for weeks, then voila - beautiful sunny afternoon for our visit! We were able to sit outside and have a great lunch (Christine, you make a divine quiche!) then toured around the town. We stopped at her husband's sewing studio, where I drooled all over his industrial sewing machines and supersized cutting tables. Of course we forgot to take any pictures... guess we'll just have to do it again! We drove home along the ocean (instead of the highway, which is inland a bit) but unfortunately it was super foggy and we could barely even see the beaches! The fog here is strange, it doesn't seem to burn off in the afternoon like I'm used to. I still tried to take a couple pictures, though.
(This is looking back at Mahone Bay - you can see the three church steeples that the town is known for)
(Beautiful sunny day in Mahone Bay!)
(Then fogggggyyyyyy!)

It warmed up a couple days this week so we checked out Chocolate Lake, which is right in the middle of the city. And don't worry, it is much nicer than it sounds. In fact the water is turquoise, like the Caribbean! These pictures don't quite show how brilliant the colour is, but it was such a sunny day and the lake was so nice that we took a little dip.

(Swim swim!)
(The trees are looking so lush now!)

I also had a couple of job interviews this week. The first was at the Dartmouth General Hospital on Monday; I'm still waiting to hear back from them. The second was at the Halifax Infirmary on one of the orthopedic units. Actually that one wasn't so much an interview as a "stop by and introduce yourself and if you're not a complete tool we will hire you." And they did. I guess that means I'm not a tool. So I now have a casual position with the Capital District Health Authority in orthopedics! I'm a bit nervous, there's a lot of new things to learn - ie: all new charts and paperwork!! There will be some kinds of patients that will be new to me too, but there's an orthopedics in-service day next Friday so I'm hoping that will help prepare me a little. I get way too uptight about wanting to know everything and do it all perfectly! One of these days I really need to stop that.

Other than that we've just been hanging out, trying not to spend any money, going to the park when it's nice out. The view from our balcony seems to be different everyday, and we've had some more beautiful sunsets.

 (Pooped out!)
(Happy Buddy!)

And of course there was the unbelievable thunder and lighting storm the other night! Here is a video we took of some of the lightning, in case you haven't seen it on Facebook already. It was so great being able to watch it from our balcony. There was lightning like every 5 seconds, it was crazy! Poor Aluka was pretty terrified.

And one last little tidbit for you...

The McLobster is back!
We're definitely on the East Coast. Sick.

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