Thursday, November 10, 2011

Loooooong overdue!

I can't believe our last blog post was exactly two months ago! Life has gotten veeeery busy since then. No more summer days frolicking in the waves. Fall has fell. Hmmm. Fall has fallen. Ummm. Yes.
My weeks consist of school and work with very little free time in between, but I expected that! Here's a little peak at my schedule:

It really is a dream come true. I love going to class!

Most of our adventures have been put on the back burner for now.... I can't wait for summer again already! Scott has been applying for job after job with little to no response...

Who wouldn't hire this handsome guy??

... so he continues to be my house husband, taking the doggies out and cooking and cleaning. I could actually get pretty used to this! And I think Aluka and Clyve could too...

 Whoopin it up at the doggie park.

Although they do have to share it with some weirdos.
(Yep, that's actually a pot-bellied pig.)

The first couple weeks of school and work were blissful and simple, except for a sore hip that continued to worsen until I ended up being off work for 3 weeks. At first I was diagnosed as having bursitis, but my physiotherapist thinks it's actually related to my back (a nurse with a back problem, golly what a shock.) So I've been doing physio and have been back to work for a couple weeks now. I had some x rays done through a walk in clinic, then one day I got a phone call from a strange doctor... "We need you to come in, there are some spots on your x ray." Spots?! What kind of spots?! "I can't really say, just come in and get it checked out." Oh. My. God. Then I couldn't get into my GP for 2 weeks. So of course I spent the next 2 weeks convinced I had cancer, writing my will, imagining how I would look with no hair... etc...etc. (Yes, if you haven't picked up on this already, I have a tad bit of anxiety about my health. Tad.) Only to get to my appt and have my doctor say "These aren't spots. This is nothing." There are "os acetabuli" on both my hips. Since I am now having pain in both hips I am not entirely convinced that they're nothing... but I work in orthopedics, so one of the residents there can look forward to me subjecting them to some questions. Every doctor's dream, I'm sure. Speaking of doctors, sure wish I could throw acid in the face of the one who called these minor bone abnormalities "spots." Pretty sure you shouldn't just toss that word around, mister, um, sloppy.

Remember the beautiful full moon in September?
This is what it looked like at the Halifax waterfront. So beautiful!

The Halifax waterfront is full of other treats as well...

 Theodore the tug boat!


Wave sculpture.
Scott says it looks like tongue.
Wave tongue!

We've also been blessed in having some friends and family around. My high school friend Tiffany was here visiting family, so we got to spend an afternoon together. Such a treat!

Tiff is brave! I wouldn't trust myself to drive around my baby on a railess, rocky dock,
but she handled it like a pro.

And we got to have Thanksgiving with family! My cousin Christine and her husband and daughter came over. And her dad, my uncle, and his wife happened to be visiting at the same time, so we had a big turkey dinner! A friend of mine from school also came over; it was a great day! A normal person would've taken photos of everyone at the table, sharing the love and festive cheer. Instead, the *only* photos I took of the day were of Christine and I doing surgery on the turkey. Just so everyone knows, apparently farm fresh turkeys come with the organs still fully attached inside their bodies, tendons, arteries and all. No nice neat package of organs that you just reach in and pull out the bum. It's a good thing I was already a vegetarian going into this... I almost certainly would've been afterwards!

Dr. Christine, General Surgeon.

Speaking of cooking, in our povertous (not a real word? don't care!) state we've taken to making our own pizzas.... YUM!

 Scott's BBQ chicken pizza

My BBQ chickpea, pineapple, red pepper, mushroom, feta, mozza pizza.
Overkill? I think not.

Here's a little peek into my life at school...

 Can you believe I have a class in this building?!
It looks like the parliament buildings or something!

 Nope, not a sweat shop.
This is my studio!

 Had a little visitor while I was outside studying the other day.

This church is a block away from one of my classes.
It is soooo incredible.

 Waiting for the autobus.

This is the little mouse that lives in our heater in the Costume Studies student kitchen.
He is so cute, he looks like a little fuzzy cotton ball scurrying around on the floor!

Amidst learning how to sew, I try to find time to actually sew.
This hoodie was for my friend Brittney's birthday! Ain't she purdy?

 We're learning how to make these neck "ruffs" right now.

This is mine. Not very spectacular yet, but just you wait.

Well, I guess that's about it for now. I have only 4 weeks left this semester, so it's crunch time. And Scott is still looking for work, waiting for that golden phone call (he had an interview last week at a care home that went really well.) Oh! We're also looking for a new place to live, as the girl who owns our beautiful townhouse is coming back in January. Thankfully Halifax is a pretty dog friendly city, but I'm nervous about finding a good place! Que sera sera....

Love and miss you all!!


  1. Ha! The longer I look at the picture of me and the bird, the more disgusted I realize I am!

  2. Hey you, love reading about your new life on the east coast! I was just thinking about you cuz i was watching a documentary on Cirque du Soleil and they have a costume factory for there shows with over 200 people sewing, thought it would be an awesome job to get. Anyhooooo miss you and hope to hear more soon.

  3. Haha, Christine, the more I wrote about it the more disgusted I realized I was that day!
    It's so funny that you say that Candice, because I've been obsessing over that job lately. I would loooooove to work for Cirque, but it means living in Montreal. Which I've been told would end in divorce.

  4. Nice.
    Visit from LBug is good sign.
