Saturday, September 10, 2011

Synonym for update.

Yes, I'm running out of title ideas, particularly those involving the word update.

It seems as though what little summer we had here is gone now. I actually turned the heat on a little today! It's not really that cold I guess, I think I just expected September to be warmer than it is. I'm so not ready for fall and winter. Except that it means I'm in school now! YES! But I'll get back to that. First I want to show you guys what we've been up to the last couple weeks...

For starters, we've been hanging out in doctor's offices. Here's Scotty after having the abscess behind his ear drained. Why did he have an abscess you ask? Your guess is as good as mine. After doing daily packing and dressings at home for a week, (yes, just as fun as it sounds,) it is all healed up!

But that wasn't the end of the home dressings, unfortunately. About a week later I decided maybe I do need some meat in my diet (haha, is that too gross to say?) and tried to chop off the end of my thumb while cutting potatoes. Warning, graphic photo coming up...

This picture is from the next day. It was still bleeding! The kitchen looked like a war zone when it first happened. No more sharp knives for me! Maybe no knives at all.

But amidst the unexplained ailments and self-inflicted injuries, we still managed to have some fun. We went camping for a night at Porter's Lake Provincial Park, about half an hour from our place.

Porter's Lake Provincial Park is the red circle with the "A" in it.

We had a great campsite at the end of a point extending into the lake, very private. Unfortunately it was also veeeerrrryyy windy. Starting a fire was a lengthy and frustrating process, to say the least. It was still fun though. The lake is actually connected to the ocean, so the water is salty in varying degrees, depending on how far from the ocean you are.

Our lovely little campsite!

Our own private beach. And rock.

Doggies basking in the sunlight.

The King of Fire.
All the provincial sites have these crappy little fire stoves that don't give off any heat!

I've been more than a little sick of my hair colour lately. I haven't dyed it in years and years (I've developed a fear of chemicals in my old age,) but decided to give Lush's Caca Marron henna dye a try. Yes, that's right. The name is Caca. Not sure who the marketing genius is who came up with that one. But actually, as a descriptive word it's not all that far off...

This is what it looks like after being prepared. Tasty!

It comes in a block like this, and you have to shave it down and melt it.
Can we say labour intensive??

A little frightened after smearing Caca on my head.

But I like it! I always liked being a red head...

16th birthday. You can't get much redder than this!

On one of the nice days we spent the afternoon playing in the waves at Lawrencetown Beach (it's by Porter's Lake, circled on the above map.) It's nice and sandy by the water, with nice smooth beach rocks further back. Beautiful! We left the dogs at home... they aren't too fond of waves and run away from them when they break on the shore.

Lawrencetown Beach!

Merman Scott.

Lonely little red shovel.

The seaweed on the Atlantic coast looks just a little different.

I hope you're not getting bored yet, because there's more!

Hurricane Katia passed by south of Nova Scotia yesterday. We didn't really get any bad weather from her, but she sent some incredible waves to our shores! We went back to Crystal Crescent Provincial Park to watch them.

Remember the first time we came here?

Not so Mexico-esque now. Or maybe it still is, considering the hurricane.
The little birds were running around playing in the water. Cute!

Aluka watching the waves.

This one looks much worse than it is. We were on a big rocky ledge like 20 feet above the ocean. Only the absolute biggest waves sprayed up, no chance of getting washed away. And Scott is nowhere near the edge, there was a whole slightly lower level of rock that you can't see.
So nobody get upset! We were being safe, even if it doesn't look that way!

Fog settling in on our walk back to the car.
I absolutely love how the beaches here have "boardwalks" and long grass along the shoreline.

And last, but certainly not least, I had my first class on Thursday! EEEEEEEEE!!! So exciting! It's called Fabrics Laboratory, and it's the one class I take at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design this semester. And it's all about.... FABRIC! Different kinds of fabric, how they're made, how they 'behave'... etc. I'm in heaven. Sounds boring as hell to others I'm sure, but I can barely contain myself. I met a couple people there, everyone is really nice. I can't wait to go to more classes, which is such a new feeling. Nursing school was like pulling teeth, I forgot what it was like to love school. I'm still concerned that I'm biting off more than I can chew with working and going to school. But with school being fun and exciting for me, maybe being so busy won't be so bad. *hopes*

I'll tell you one thing I did learn on Thursday... next time, take the bus to class. It was pissing rain, I could *not* find parking, and when I finally did it was $12.50 for a 3 hour class. Oi. Scott and I were so excited how little traffic there was here... turns out that's only during the summer. When September hits, look out. Thankfully there is a bus stop in front of our place. Yay!

Congrats if you made it to the end of this long post! Miss you all. *love*


  1. love you blog, Marissa.....always entertaining, educational and uplifting!

  2. Thanks Auntie Deb! :)

  3. Cant wait for more. Glad you like school.

  4. Love the posting on the Caca hair dye, just about "dyed" laughing

  5. Haha, very punny Candice!
