Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Almost 3 months!

I can't believe that we have been here for almost 3 months already! It's starting to feel like life is on fast forward, minus the chipmunk voices. We are becoming more and more assimilated into Nova Scotia...
Does anyone else think this is the crappiest license plate ever? EYU????

All vehicles in Nova Scotia require an inspection every 2 years and on arrival to the province. We knew there were a couple things wrong with the vehicle... turns out there was $1500 worth of wrong. And of course it was a mandatory $1500 if we wanted to keep driving it. So that blew. On the up side, it really does drive a lot more smoothly now. And on the other up side, I don't despise going to work. Can you believe it!? Not like I love it or anything (who does?!) but I just got off four nights in a row, on 4 different units, and didn't want to drive the car off a cliff (not that I would after all those repairs anyways!) My manager is on holidays at the moment, but when he gets back I will find out whether I am going to get a 0.6 time position (two shifts a week) and whether Scott will have a casual position. Mind you, even if Scott gets a job, it looks like he's going to have to go through that ridiculous criminal record check fingerprinting process again (which if you remember, took 4 months last time) - all because some sex offender shares the same birthday and gender as him. I don't even want to get started on that, it makes me so so angry. We'll find out in a couple days if that's going to be the case. But it almost assuredly will, because his birthdate matched last time, so it will again.

We had another amazing storm last night! My sis Stacie could hear the thunder, rain, and hail while we were on the phone! Apparently it was so bad that any airplanes that landed at the Halifax airport weren't allowed to unload, so people were stuck in the planes on the tarmac for hours.
I happened to be out driving when it started.
And decided to improve my already stellar driving safety record by photographing it.

 The sky after the storm was really eerie and apocalyptic looking.

The thunder and lightning went on for hours and hours... poor Aluka was so upset! She needed some doggie Ativan. :(

Speaking of drugs, my debilitating and almost constant migraines that started in April have completely stopped since my new (and wonderful) doctor switched my birth control! Which means I can stop trying to determine what stage and type of brain tumour I have, which has made everyone in this house happier. lol I've also been started on a beta blocker (Propranolol) for my tachycardia while I wait to see an internist. I just started it yesterday, not too sure if it's making much of a difference yet. Hopefully it will soon, 'cause I'm tired of feeling like poo!

The weather has still been pretty crappy, and the nice days have of course been when I was working. But we're hoping to go camping this month, there are some great provincial parks in NS! Today we did a rainy day activity... we went to the Museum of Natural History! And I have a new favourite obsession animal... the porcupine!
I had no idea that they're so big! And they can climb trees?!!
My new life goal is to see one while we live here.

I'm also very excited to report that one of my already favourite animals is sometimes seen in the waters here! I present to you..... the MOLA MOLA!
I think it goes without saying that I didn't take this photo.

Okay, one more. They also had on display a tooth from one my favourite extinct animals... the MEGALODON!
I will admit, part of the reason it's a favourite is because it is extinct. Pretty sure I would go nowhere near the ocean if this guy was still hanging around in it.

Now if you get nothing else from my blog, perhaps at least you learned something today.

32 year old - dead :( - enormous lobster!

 Gus, the 89 year old Gopher Tortoise!
I don't even know what to say to this. Disturbing and amusing. And what is this kid's name??? Liesl??

And when we're not working and exploring Halifax, we still manage to find productive ways to fill our down time...

Nobody can say we don't treat our children equally.


  1. omg is your dog wearing a snuggie? oh and the mola mola washed up on quadra island a couple years ago, so thats old news to me lol on the up side i love reading your blog, MISS YOU!

  2. Thats fricken hilarious...guess what... you also qualify as a journalist!!! You can write non fiction stories about life in Nova Scotia...tooooooo funny Riss... I truly enjoyed this post... Love you and miss you...O.M.

  3. Thanks guys!! I miss you both too. :( Haha, it's not a snuggie, just a big t-shirt!
