Saturday, May 7, 2011

Belated arrival post

Sorry everyone! Yes, obviously we made it to Halifax safe and sound. And things are wonderful. Our townhouse is beautiful, there is a dog park and the ocean across the street! The drive through New Brunswick was rainy and nasty, then about 20km outside of the Nova Scotia border we saw a rainbow seriously arcing into NS (like it was the pot o' gold!) Finally, a good omen. Then when we hit the border the rain disappeared and the sun was shining. When we got here there was a beautiful sunset, we watched it over the ocean while we played with the dogs at the park (they were soooo amped up from being in the car for so long, poor doggies!)
We explored the city a little today - it is lovely. Reminds me a lot of Victoria, with lots of trees and green space, and all the homes are old and full of character. After having seen the rest of Canada, I feel like we picked one of the most beautiful places to live, truly.
We picked up our totes from our storage unit today too. I can't believe how well that worked out - we shipped all our stuff through Canada Post to our storage unit here, and it was much cheaper than even just renting a trailer! (Thanks so much for the tips, Sarah!)
I'm keeping this short, as I'm just heading to bed (who would've thought all that driving would leave us so tired this last day and a half!) I'll keep sharing all the new places we're going to see, though!
Wish you were all here. Love!


  1. More pictures of your new place please!!

  2. As soon as you're settled we'll have you out for a meal and a tour of the beautiful South Shore!
