Saturday, May 14, 2011

Je suis fatiguee

So... the job hunting is not going so grandly so far. I went to the main Halifax hospitals and dropped off some resumes; most of the managers weren't around and those who were basically said "budget this" and "not hiring right now" that, but "I'll put your resume on the pile." Hm. All the while I was having a freaking panic attack because the hospitals are so huge and I couldn't find my way around. Pretty hard to look confident and capable to a manager when you want to run out of the building screaming, but I did my best. I realized I haven't really had many jobs where I had to go hunting and dropping off resumes, I mostly have got them from knowing somebody (ha, tough life, I know.) On the plus side, all the nurses I came across while trying to find manager's offices were very helpful and friendly, and the general energy on most of the units didn't feel negative or overly hectic. I also applied to a number of care homes in the area, as well as a position for a dermatology clinical research assistant at Dalhousie (*hopes*) That one sounds the most interesting to me, so I hope I hear back.I'm starting to think we may be experiencing some sort of delayed jet lag? I don't know, but we've both been feeling so tired since we got here. And last night we were up until 3am, and didn't get up until noon today (which would be 11pm and up at 8am back in BC.) I have read that travelling west to east creates worse 'jet lag,' but I don't know how applicable it is when you drive. I would've thought driving would've given us more time to adjust, and we have been here for a week already, so I don't know. Has anyone tried melatonin? Between the weird night schedule we used to live on and the time changes we've experienced I think our bodies are rebelling. We did go for a bit of a jog the other evening (*gasp!*) I don't know if that was a help or a hindrance.
I did go to Dalhousie and drop off those forms. The Arts building is very cool! There's a theatre in the building, and an art gallery too. The theatre department puts on four major productions a year, and the costume studies students do the costumes, which will be so fun. Scott is even excited about going to see the plays!
It's still cloudy and rainy around here. I can't wait for summer to come, I'm itching to find some places to swim - kind of my own swimmer's itch. Haha.


  1. Jet lag in a car? Probably not but you will have to work at maintaining a "normal" schedule for a while.You are East coasters now!

  2. I tried Melatonin once... I'll tell you about it next time we chat. I won't take it again. It messed my schedule up worse than it already was.

  3. agree with your hard as it feels to get up at, say, 7am eastern time, and then forcing your selves to stay up until, oh, 11pm, with no naps for a few days, it will force your body clocks into a "normal" schedule. You are right, you have both been working different shifts and your inner clock has no idea of what is "right".
