Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Settling in

So far I've been a bit guilty of arriving here and dropping off the face of the earth. There was so much stress leading up to moving here that now that we're here I'm feeling mostly exhausted and am just kind of relaxing. The weather has been crap so we haven't been exploring too much, but we have been taking the dogs to the park everyday and even found our way down to the off leash park by our place. The sunsets have been beautiful - I tried to take some pictures, but I can't wait to have my good camera back so I can get some better ones.
I am enjoying the heck out of having a dishwasher, cooking up a storm and not worrying about the dishes! Simple pleasures, haha.
Tomorrow the job hunt begins. I've applied for a couple positions online and haven't heard a peep back, so I'm storming the hospitals at dawn. There is a posting for a casual nurse at the corrections facility, but I haven't decided whether that's something I'd be very good at. Although I guess there's only one way to find out... Part of the problem here is that everything is so specialized, there aren't too many general wards where I would actually feel comfortable and qualify to work at. But I regress. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
I also have to drop off some paperwork at Dalhousie's theatre dept tomorrow - I'm super excited to see what it's like. I can't wait to start school! The paperwork is for the two classes I have to take at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (one of them is a fabric dyeing class, how cool is that?!)
So the question people keep asking is "Are you settling in?" My answer is yes, we are. The townhouse already feels like our home and we're starting to get to know the city. It's been a quiet couple days (not a bad thing!), but hopefully I'll have something a bit more exciting to share in the weeks to come!

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